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There's a legitimate sense of being on red alert lately. So many things are in disarray, so much is outrageously and dangerously wrong, it's become difficult to carry on in a relaxed fashion with my normal activities.
It's not logical, but the feeling is there: How can I go into my studio and work on something like costume jewelry or doll couture when Washington is spending trillions of our dollars and growing into something unrecognizable? How can I spend a morning planting a fern garden in my side yard if our president-- a man with questionable abilities and loyalties-- is apologizing and appeasing our dangerous enemies? How can I sit and work on my novel when Israel is in such danger, and Jews and Christians are brutally persecuted around the world? How can I repaint my bathroom cabinets when personal liberties are being eroded from one hour to the next? How can I relax in a hot bubblebath when leaders in Pakistan and Iran can't wait to go nuclear, the UK is increasingly accepting of Sharia law, and the free world all but ignores countless ghastly "honor killings"? When an out-of-control party and administration is sending our nation into economic ruin?
We're in this for the long haul.
Worrying, in and of itself, is not constructive, but rather, a call to action. Despite never enjoying civic involvement, and being a peaceful and non-confrontational person, I now force myself to determine what needs my action and involvement, and work on these tasks during a specified time slot each day.
With so much at stake, it's essential that concerned citizens involve themselves in judicious reading, emailing, and appropriate civic action on an ongoing basis. The job of bringing back our country is a serious call to action. But without balance, there's a risk of our becoming overwhelmed. Ultimately, this works against our effectiveness, and invites resignation.
It's not as if we can actually spend all twenty-four hours a day actively making things better. When I'm sleeping, I want to sleep... not grind my teeth.
These are dangerous times, and we must act effectively every single day. But we must also find ways to be healthy, to carry on with our daily lives. When we're working to make things better, we must do so with great resolve... nothing is more important. But when we're with our families, or doing our jobs, making our way through our tasks and hobbies and daily activities, I think it's important to be fully appreciative within those activities.
When I listen to music, I want to do this in a full and complete way. The creek behind my house is home to egrets and herons, and there are hummingbirds at my backyard feeder; should these daily miracles go unappreciated? I need to remain as positive and helpful as I can when interacting with friends and family. And I need to continue to work on those projects large and small that make me who I am.
Life and freedom are precious, and what better ongoing motivation is there for defending those things we love than to deeply appreciate them ?
If not, we've already lost some of what we're fighting for.
respectfully submitted,
b. giguere
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Happy New Year to all, and to all a good night
16 years ago